Algebra Nation Available Free of Charge for All Mississippi Students, Families, and Teachers

JACKSON, MS, March 27, 2020- As Mississippi schools close to minimize the transmission of COVID-19, Algebra Nation is available to provide students, families, and teachers with high- quality, web- and mobile-based mathematics educational materials aligned perfectly to Mississippi’s standards. Governor Reeves announced the closure of all Mississippi schools beginning March 16, 2020. As school districts monitor the situation with COVID-19, they are preparing for the possibility of long-term school closures. Algebra Nation wants to ensure that all Mississippi students, families, and teachers have access to free video- and text-based distance learning opportunities.
As a state-funded resource, Algebra Nation is available to all students, families, schools, and districts at no cost. Algebra Nation already works with over 125 Mississippi school districts as a supplemental or core curriculum. Algebra Nation is used in the classroom, at home, and on-the- go by over 1,500 teachers and 29,000 students across Mississippi. Since so many students across the state already use Algebra Nation on a daily basis, continuing to use Algebra Nation at home provides a seamless transition from their traditional classroom to their new distance learning environment. As students, families, and teachers adjust to the statewide school closures, Algebra Nation continues to provide resources 24/7 to support learning outside of the classroom.
Students can login immediately using their school credentials at or on the free Algebra Nation mobile app, available for download on all iOS and Android devices. If your student is having trouble logging in to Algebra Nation, please contact your student’s teacher for login assistance.
If a district already uses Algebra Nation and a teacher or school would like to schedule a virtual training, they can email Shauna Hedgepeth, Algebra Nation Assistant Director, at Districts that don’t currently use Algebra Nation who would like assistance setting up access for their students and teachers should also email
Algebra Nation offers a comprehensive digital textbook for 6th-8th Grade Math, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 courses, as well as PSAT and SAT preparation materials. With the help of the Research and Curriculum Unit at Mississippi State University, all Algebra 1 resources have been fully aligned to the Mississippi College- and Career-Ready Standards. The platform includes an extensive video library of over 5,000 engaging instructional videos led by dynamic, virtual co-teachers (“Study Experts”) who use a variety of teaching strategies to meet the needs of Mississippi’s diverse learners. To accommodate the needs of Spanish speaking students, each Algebra 1 video has been filmed in Spanish, and Spanish glossary videos are also available for each vocabulary term in all six math courses. Families can download and print workbook units from within the Algebra Nation platform. Schools and districts can also order free workbooks which will be shipped directly to individual schools.
Teachers and students can assess understanding of specific concepts in real-time by using the “Test Yourself!” practice tool. Step-by-step solution videos are available for all “Test Yourself!” practice problems. Teachers and families can track student progress on all videos and digital practice tools using Algebra Nation’s robust reporting system.
Students can post questions on the Mississippi Algebra Wall and receive help from their peers across the state as well as our Study Experts. Algebra Nation allows students the flexibility to work on their coursework any time of the day as their schedules change. Students, families, and teachers in Algebra Nation districts can download iOS, Android, and iPad apps free of charge, in addition to utilizing the program on the web. On the free Algebra Nation mobile apps, students can download videos while they have access to Wi-Fi, to watch later if they don’t have internet access at home. Algebra Nation is built to be as accessible as possible and works on all devices.
Teachers and families can learn more at and/or follow Algebra Nation at for teacher and family training sessions hosted on Facebook Live.