New Algebra Program Helps Student Learning

Back to school means back to the books and Mississippi school districts are making sure students are able to learn to their fullest potential.
Starting this school year, all Mississippi school districts are implementing the new Algebra Nation program. A school subject that can often be difficult for students, the Algebra Nation program is an online community intended to be a supplemental resource for teachers and parents to use for their students who may be struggling in the subject.
Ocean Springs High School assistant Principal Jacob Dykes says after students get algebra instruction at school they can go home and get further help from the online tutors in the program. “The best thing for us is to kind of educate the kid holistically. This will provide a less stressful or less taxing experience for the student. We really want them to get the full benefit of algebra, but sometimes it can be stressful. This will provide an opportunity for them to learn the material in an environment that’s best for them and we’re all for it.”
Dykes says he looks forward to seeing the progress made through the program and hopes it will be extended out to other subjects as well.